Ocasionista Second Hand Girona

c/ Barcelona 405-405A - 17003 Girona

Contact number

  • Phone 972 98 21 02
  • Whatsapp 872 43 23 01

Staff members

  • Manager: Mario Buscató
  • Comercial: Albert Reyné


  • Address c/ Barcelona 405A - 17003 Girona


  • Monday 9 to 13h / 15 to 19h
  • Tuesday 9 to 13h / 15 to 19h
  • Wednesday 9 to 13h / 15 to 19h
  • Thursday 9 to 13h / 15 to 19h
  • Friday 9 to 13h / 15 to 19h
  • Saturday 10 to 13:30h
  • Sunday Closed
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