¿Quieres hacerlo todo con una sola bicicleta?
Para la J. all, ¡nada es imposible! Te llevará a tu lugar de trabajo toda la semana, con la máxima comodidad... ¿Por qué no tomar el camino más corto posible, evitando los baches, por carreteras poco transitadas o incluso atravesando el bosque?
¿Te apetece recorrer senderos el fin de semana? Súbete a tu J y ve donde te el viento te lleve.
¡No te limites más! Pedalea por donde quieras: asfalto, grava o tierra, la J puede con todo gracias a su suspensión de alto rendimiento y sus cubiertas mixtas.
Technical characteristics
Cuadro y Componentes de Montaje
Collar de sillín
Moustache, alluminio, Integrato, 34.9mm
Tija del sillín
EXA, 900i, tija telescópica, palanca remota, 31,6 mm, 100mm
Cuadro y horquilla Moustache Bikes: 5 años - Motor, batería (o 500 ciclos) y accesorios: 3 años
Moustache, Magic Grip Control 115, con plataforma de 2 posiciones y control dinámico de rebote, incorporado, de 165x38 mm, recorrido de 115 mm
J, aluminio AlSi10Mg T6, moldeado en una sola pieza, fácil de subir y bajar, mayor rigidez gracias a su estructura interna acanalada, brazo trasero unificado, conductos internos discretos, batería y motor integrados
SR Suntour, XCR 34 Air Boost 2CR LOR, control de rebote y función de bloqueo, 120mm
AXA, Fold Pro 100, cerradura plegable de 100 cm de longitud
Moustache, ajustable
Sistema de Transmisión
Moustache, aluminio, 170 mm
Shimano, LG500, 130 enlaces
Shimano, CUES, SL-U6000-11R, 11 velocidades
Piñón / Plato
Narrow-Wide, 38 dientes, salvacadenas
Shimano, CUES, RD-U6000-GS, 10/11 velocidades
Shimano, CUES, CS-LG400, 11 velocidades, 11-50T
Plataforma en aluminio con reflectores
Sistema de Frenado
Magura, MT A2, 180mm
Magura, MTA2, freno de disco hidráulico, 2 pistones
Ruedas y Componentes Relacionados
Buje Aluminio
Shimano, 32H, 15x110 mm, eje pasanteShimano, 32H, 9x135 mm, eje pasante
Schwalbe, Johnny Watts, 27.5x2.60
Llantas Moustache
Moustache, asimétrica, aluminio 6061E, soldada, 32 agujeros, 27.5", ancho interno de 23 mm
Moustache, diseño de doble pared de aluminio, con varillas de aluminio
Moustache, aluminio, suspendido, fijaciones laterales desmontables QL3 y plataforma MIK HD
Componentes de Conducción
Moustache, ergonómico, aluminio, 680 mm, backsweep 25°
Selle Royal, Essenza + moderate
SB3, Ergonómicas
Sistema de dirección
Acros, AZF-699, rodamientos sellados, enrutamiento interno, cierre rotativo
Componentes Eléctricos
Bosch, PowerTube 625Wh, vertical, Smart System
Bosch, 4Ah
Bosch, Performance Line, 250W, Smart System, 75Nm
Luz frontal
Trelock, Lighthammer, 100 Lux, alimentado por la batería principal
Luz trasera
Spanninga, Presto2Guard, alimentado por la batería principal
Bosch, KIOX 500, Smart System, pantalla a color, navegación, " Walk assist ".
Especificaciones y Capacidad
Reserve it
95 €
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A company that has been modernized throughout its life and with unbeatable customer service.
I have taken my motorcycle for review and the treatment has been unbeatable, and the professional advice of 10. Very happy to finally have found a reliable and 100% professional workshop in Girona.
I bought a new nmax 125 on a Thursday morning and the same afternoon I already had it registered and ready to take it with me. Very fast and good service.
As always a serious and professional workshop! I have been riding my motorcycles for more than 10 years and I have to say that I have never changed! You are very good! Thanks, as always.
Spectacular treatment of all workers, both commercial and mechanical, I have been very well attended !!
Excellent for the recamvis team. Fast and very good treatment. Flawless!
Great experience! Very happy with the treatment received. It has resolved all my doubts and I have been able to test the bike without rushing. They are great professionals. I recommend it. Thank you so much!!
I have brought the type Yamaha Tenere 700 to carry out the revision and I have received an extraordinary service and treatment. Thanks to all the team!
Good motorcycle repair service. If you have a time reserved in advance, it will be quick to manage to leave the vehicle and, as has been my case, they will leave you a courtesy vehicle to use until you can pick up yours. The afternoon hours are from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. For me, the only drawback is that they don't close later, but it's a small drawback. All very correct.
I am very happy with the treatment received. From the beginning of the purchase process they were interested and helped to make the right choice of the motorcycle. Guys attentive, friendly and very professional.
Very good commercials. They are attentive and make sure that the motorcycle you buy is the ideal one for you. Personalized.
A positive experience, with very pleasant treatment, professionalism on the part of the salesperson who has explained to me in detail the operation of the motorcycle, I was able to try it before buying, I am very grateful for everything